
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Happy 9th Birthday Ani-Pock

Well folks, 9 years ago today on February 26th 2005, some of us met over a little flash game of Nanaca Crash in a little chat box on the corner of the internet. 

Can you think back to where you were and what you were up to 9 years ago? I for one wonder where all the free time has gone to watch anime  I remember sitting in front of a CRT in my high school's library checking the server statistics. The night before I had put up the Nanaca crash page. 30,000 hits overnight seemed crazy back then! 

I'm glad we had a chance to meet over that game, things like PockyWorld were surely a fun memory. Next year is the big 10th 'anniversary' for AP, we should plan something big. My vote is we crash at Teenlink's place in none other than Las Vegas. Thoughts? 

Happy 9th Birthday AP!

FaceBook Group
Most of us are on the FaceBook group now. Email for an invite!


  1. I say we all go visit the Hawaiian Ani-Pockers :P

  2. I dunno, Kami. I kind of like the idea of meeting up in Las Vegas, and not just because I wouldn't have to travel :P. When most of us started coming here, we were much too young to enjoy the kind of fun that Vegas offers, but now a good many are of the age to party with the big kids. Plus, I can show you guys around to all the cool spots!

  3. I can make it to Vegas!!! ahaha

  4. U gotta count kakashidragon in Man! been so long since I been here tho. :(
