Where are we standing? Are we realizing the amount of sugar, is not as much as we think... not as much as we want to think... how much sugar, we think we 'know'... is under our feet?
We wish for sympathy, we wish for those who will be sugar to our souls, peace to our minds, and make us whole. But we do not know what is inside of those we call our friends. The people we may seek for sweetness, peace, and wholeness, may be only snakes with blue eyes, saving their venom for their defenseless prey, only after they have turned their back. The ones we call snakes, may only be putting on a mask, from fear of rejection, and are afraid more rejection will come to them if they give a bit of sugar, peace, or wholeness to the one, they care for most.
Where are we standing? In sugar, or only in a den of blue-eyed snakes? We may never know the true feelings of the ones we spend our times with, for we may not see inside of the hearts, the souls & the minds of them, only God may. The only problem arises, 'tis when the masks stay. We dilute ourselves to the blue entrapping eyes of the snakes, while those who keep there masks on in fear, never show us the love we've been craving for so long.
We should only hope, whether we ourselves are snakes or those who hide in fear, we have to take off our outer skin, and show how we really feel around those we call 'friends', once we do, we will find one who gives our souls that sugar, gives us that peace, and the wholeness.