Sunday, January 6, 2008

A New Kip Sticky :D

Sunday, June 1st is Ani-Pock reunion day.
It is up to you faithful pockers out there to call back our lost brothers and sisters of the Ani-Pock fraternal order. On June 1st, 2008* we will hold a special reunion day for all the past Ani-Pock members we can possibly locate.
Some of you are still in contact or have contact info of members of Ani-Pock that haven't visited in some time. We are asking you to try to reach out to them and bring them back for at least one day of good times with old friends.

On that day we will be having special prizes and classic Ani-Pock events, as well as a guestbook for all of the friends of the site to sign who attended the reunion.
Location efforts and updates will be posted in the forum as we find our missing pockers. If you are a returning member, yourself, you are encouraged to visit that day and sign the guestbook too.
Save the date! We will remind you more as the date draws nearer.
Until then, be sure to sign the Ani-Pock New Year guestbook.

Also, don't forget to play the Ani-Pock Reveal game with our first new contestant, Mudpelt.

(Note: New posts will appear under this sticky post!)

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At January 2, 2008 at 12:17 AM, Blogger Mudpelt said...

Erm... Kip, why does your "sticky" say "Wednesday, January 9, 2008" ???? It's... um... The second ((2nd))....

At January 2, 2008 at 12:21 AM, Blogger Kami... said...

"On June 1st, 2007 we will hold a special reunion day for all the past Ani-Pock members we can possibly locate."

Aww... we missed it... Oh well...

At January 2, 2008 at 1:21 AM, Blogger Pocky said...

Thanks for the post Kip!

At January 2, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kami.
I have to get used to 2008, and fast!

The post is "sticky" until that date, and it will disappear into the blog if someone makes a post after January 9th.


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