Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Last Perverted Pic and Post (Including my A-P Will)

Even the brightest star fades away eventually. Like the many greats before me, like Michael Jackson, O.J. Simpson, and Bill Clinton, I had my prime, and it was fun. Then, that all changed and now I'm quite possibly the most infamous Pocker to ever post on a Chatango chat. As I matured, so did my humor, eventually growing too brazen for the likes of the A-P Mods. I realise that in my doing so, I have become what I once banned, and I also realise that like that which I banned, I must leave Ani-Pock. Indeed, it is sad that one such as I, entwined heavily with the soul of Ani-Pock must be corrupted, but it is so, and as with all corruption, I must be removed, lest I permanently damage Ani-Pock.
Now, for what I leave behind. To Nippou, the most stalwart of the Mods, I leave the maps detailing the locations of my hidden cameras and water mines so he may disarm them at his leisure. To Punkchick, the most friendly of the Mods, I leave all the hosery I have swiped over the years, so that she may return them to their rightful owners. To Zaku, my Lord and Mod, I leave my extensive weapon collection, so he may add them to his personal arsenal. To Purly, I leave my wardrobe so she may learn what good clothing looks like. To THC, I leave my house and all the tools of the trade contained within, and my title of Pervert of Ani-Pock. May you use it well, and may you be a better perv than I. And finally, to Pocky, I leave my apologies, for I have betrayed his trust more times than can be forgiven. That is all,

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At January 30, 2008 at 10:26 PM, Blogger Zaku-sama said...

No emotions can express the admiration I have for TL, not only as an AP member, but a man of honor. I do think that we all owe TL thanks, and should wish him the best where ever the road of life may take him. I leave my thanks to him for all of the fun times, the awkward, and the indifferent times that battle erupted between the two of us. I wish him all the best, and once again...thanks.

~Another star fades into the abyss that is our unlimited future, blessings of good fortune, and may the stars guide you.~

At January 30, 2008 at 10:44 PM, Blogger Pocky said...

TL, without you, this place we call Ani-Pock would have no name. We are all grateful for what you have done for Ani-Pock. It's sad to hear you say this, but know that you are always welcome to drop by. Please don't be a stranger around here. Or we'll surely miss you.


At January 31, 2008 at 4:06 AM, Blogger Kami... said...

TL Touched my Bum...

At January 31, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TL: As the only person to (kinda) surpass me in the forums (once), having named this site, and giving fodder for my brother to become the pervert he is today, you have left quite a mark in my life, both directly and indirectly. You have been a true friend and I have enjoyed conversing with you during the many hours we have spent on A-P together.

I hope, at least, you will resurrect yourself to sign the A-P Reunion Guestbook, which I hope will stand as a definitive testament to all Pockers whom have ever visited.

Don't be a stranger-
Well, I guess I can't say that, as that is how you keep your profile, and seeing as how you are leaving the site, but if you ever decide to be a born-again-Mormon and show off your new hotness here, I doubt you won't be welcomed, especially by myself.

Happy trails dear friend. Bless you and thank you!

...even though you didn't leave me anything...

At January 31, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Blogger Nek™ said...

TL, I never liked you for your perversion, but then again.. we did have our good times (as few as they were) where we agreed on things. I guess you could say I'll miss you.

Come back soon so I can gossip about my dislike for you to others.


At January 31, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

;-; you will come back sometime. AP is here for you, pervy-kun!

At January 31, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOOO OMG YOU LEFT!!!! YOU CANT HAVE SEX WITH ME THEN JUST LEAVE!!!! Mochii ish gonna cut herself now TT^TT

[ok I'm joking]

But seriously I'll miss you buddy. You were like the best friend I never wanted. Maybe not BEST but a friend is a friend. Your an inspiration to other pockers here. Your like an icon here. The new perverts on ani-pock follow your example.

Well anyways. You have to come talk to Mochii from time to time or I literally will track you down and kill you with a fuitcake myself. (seriously) Come back to ani-pock sometime soon Link. You'll always be welcome around here.

<3 Mochidzuki

P.S. I'm still going to track you down. YOU DIDN'T LEAVE ANYTHING FOR ME YOU &^%*(#@!!

At January 31, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now i'm sure TL doesn't remember me but he has always been the funniest of the pervs. King if you will.
Sad he is leaving AP though D: he shall be missed.

Heh i'll wish for a extrodinary return of epic proportions.


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