Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why asian guys cant get white girls

Filmed at UCSD! (University by my house).

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At February 12, 2008 at 2:23 AM, Blogger Kami... said...

I know this is made as a joke...
But I have some comments on things I've observed being in Canada...

Perhaps this problem has to do with... Location and demographics?
Where I am currently is the opposite thing... "White" Guys want and can't get "Asian" Girls... and the ones they do get, are the Money Hungry "Americanized" ones.

One of my Korean friends, who left Korea before being drafted... well, his sister was born in Canada and she has 2 boyfriends... one Korean guy to take home to the family and make them all happy... and one "white" guy to use as a bank...

Although, I don't know many "Asians "named "Clark", so that might also have something to do with it...
There is a difference between people (Asians) born with the name "Clark" and people GIVEN the name "Clark" because their name is too hard to pronounce...

People (Asians) born with a name like "Clark" are most likely born in a "White" area and are most likely "White-Washed" (I learned this term in Canada, meaning might be different in different places).
So on the outside, it might appear that an "Asian" guy might be trying to act like something he doesn't appear to be (which most don't like), while in actuality, it's all he knows...

Example: My Vietnamese neighbor... not once have I seen him or his older brother with an "Asian" girlfriend... they've always been "white" and neither of them have names like "Clark"... I would write their names, but honestly I don't know the correct spelling :P

Also there is myself as an example, I've only had 1 "Asian" (Canada born) girlfriend in Canada compared to the larger number of "white" ones...

People like different... and when trying something new... people usually tend towards something authentic vs the "Clark" Model.

The video was quite FunnY :P

At February 12, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Blogger Purly said...

It's definitely not the same here~ <3 You should know that, Pocky~ *cling* <3 White girl~ *pokes own nose* Asian boy *pokes yours and giggles*

Either combi is common here~

At February 12, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Blogger Pocky said...

xDDD kawaii Purly ^^

Okay okay, but here at my school (and like UCSD where the film was made), over 50% of the student body is Asian. And still the girls go for the white! (minority)

Like I always see an asian girl+white guy holding hands.

At February 12, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i swear the video was named Amazing racist, but that might have been a diffrent video

At February 13, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Blogger Kami... said...

Pocky, you just answered why things are as they are in your area...
People like different things, if over 50% of the student population is Asian... then people are going to go for the thing that is different... a "White" guy!


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