Sports Blog
Hi all! There's been talk that we should add a Sports blog to our blog line up. What do you think?
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Hi all! There's been talk that we should add a Sports blog to our blog line up. What do you think?
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I figure Sports would follow into the community section...
Sports is a community interest and seems fitting if things were shared from our various communities.
Let's say... George "Rush" St. Pierre won the 185lbs Championship belt... Mixed Martial Arts is on a global range and it would be news to our Global community.
Also let's say there is an up comming Kick Boxing Tournament in May around my area... I would think my "friends" in our Online Community might be interested in it was well... No need for a seperate blog... it'll just fill in the gaps when there isn't anything to update here. :)
What with the reception our flash blog met, I would suggest testing the waters in the community blog for a while to see who contributes, before going all out and making a blog. The flash blog doesn't get an update that often, so it would be good to see what happens here first.
Another thing to note:
I sent some friends to this page to visit the flash blog once before and were very confused when I told them that the flash game I wanted them to play was in the "Flash" link. Not "Flash Games" or "Flash Animation". Because of the way the screen rendered the colors of the links (yellow and orange), they thought that there was no "Flash" blog link but a "Music Flash" link. We may need to make this easier...
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