Saturday, July 19, 2008

~What Ani-Pock Member Are You Most Like: Personality Quiz~

Take the Quiz here:

What were your results?

Your Ani-Pock Member
What Were Your Results for the Ani-Pock Member Quiz?


I'm sorry I couldn't get more personality types in here. I put a lot of effort, thought, and time into this, so please no complaints? ^^;;

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At July 19, 2008 at 8:37 PM, Blogger Yoshi said...

The quiz link is broken

At July 19, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Blogger Rin said...

Thankyou Yoshi, it now works!! :3

At July 21, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Blogger Kami... said...

After Reading all the "personalities" and seeing peoples comments for more people (next time)...

One could Easliy (well I could anyways), write "GooD" and "BaD" things about the traits of the majority of "Pockers"... well... at least from how they are on Ani-Pock.
Unfortunately that would cause some problems... the length of the survey for one...

Perhaps using a small list of "Archetypes" and throwing the "Pockers" that fit the mold could work?
Unfortunately "Archetypes" are quite limitless and people do have traits that may fit in several.

One of the main problem with "Quizes" such as these... is that they are biased...
People see different aspects of different people, and we naturally show different sides of ourselves depending on the situation and people we interact with...

Being an "Ani-Pock" Quiz, one would think the "Personalities" would reflect the "Personalities" that are shown on... Ani-Pock...
Unfortunately with limited interaction with some of the people used on the list, it may be hard for some to understand or see these traits.

Where one person may see... Kami as "Wise"... another may see Kami as... "Boring"...

One way to make things less biased and more fair... we could ask our community to submit what they think of themselves (Good and Bad) and perhaps up to 5 others...
The submissions with the most personality commonalities could be on the next list.

For example, if the majority of submissions on Kami had "boring" in common, then that would be reflected in the next Quiz.

This way would be very interesting and I personally would look forward to see if anyone else may see the same qualities in someone as I do...
Unfortunately the drawback on that is Community Participation...

If there is another Quiz, hopefully it will have members that are actually on Ani-Pock often or at least those that interact with others often so people may be able to relate vs trying to think back to how an obscure "Pocker" was or read about a "Pocker" that they never intereacted with before.

At July 21, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Blogger Rin said...

Well, next time I'll know better before I spend 6+ hours on something.

At July 24, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o.o i got pocky?

At September 7, 2008 at 3:37 AM, Blogger Kami... said...

Picking multiple answers when I was able too (picking all the things I like for a snack, or all the animals I like and such)... I got myself...

Only picking 1 answer per question (the one animal I like the best or my most common snack and such)... I got TL...

Interesting to say the least...
I don't think I need to point out the obvious flaws any further...


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