Reveal the Ani-Pock Community: Zaku
Thanks for the fun questions on the last episode.
Our contestant this week is: Lord Zaku!!
So how do you play?
Here is a recap of Rin's rules!:
Every week a member is selected from the Ani-Pock Memberlist and it will be posted who that member is, then everyone else can comment under the post any questions that they want to ask about that member, but please keep in mind to keep the questions decent, indecent questions will be deleted. If you are picked, you may choose the next contestant at the end of your week.So lets get to it! Ask Zaku questions!!
Previous contestants: Mudpelt, Kami, Lucy, PockyWarrior, Nippou, Kip, Hullo, Zeke, xBombr, Rena, Rin, Chikyuu, Mercesteys, Kiraneko, Rose, Meyume.
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Does Zaku love Mochii? :3
Name some of your favorite books.
Why do you like Gundam?
Why are you a she all of a sudden, according to kip...
What is your favoite food?
Whats your favorite Salad dressing?
Whats your favoite movie?
Whats your favorite holiday?
What are your plans for summer?
What color combinations do you like best?
How did you find ani-pock?
Why did you stick around?
Gundam's have been seen in support of Japanese Marthon runners for the Olympics...
Who does Zaku support... if he does?
Why do you have such a big fetish for RP?... >.>
hmmm...what to ask Zaku...
1) What brought you to ani-pock?
2) What do you like best about the site?
3) Describe yourself in three words
4) What's your favorite color?
5) I think I may of heard this before, but how did you get the name Lord Zaku?
6) Have you seen any of the Wow commercials, if so which one do you like? Would you do your own if you could?
Answering all in one, so here goes! LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS TO DEFEAT THE HUNS!
Mochi: Hai-su! I luffles mah sister Mochii.
Sada: Helter Skelter, Shadow March, Shadow Play, Air Gear manga collection. = <3 I love Gundam because it pushes the limits of battle, and they look so I don't know anything else that has weapons that exceed over .200mm. I'm not a female, Kip is just looking for attention and won't be getting any because...I so don't do Yaoi.
PC: Spaghetti, Ceasar or 1000 Island, Stripes, Victoria Day (free day off school, usually 3-day weekend.),, Violet and White, Blue and White, I found AP when I was looking for flash games after finishing school work, I stuck around because I have nothing else better to do.
Kami: You haven't made me aware of it's hard to say who sponsors who, and who I support for that matter. =(
AZ: Ask yourself, does real-life allow you to kill people without facing persecution?
Rose/Dragon-chan: Nanaca Crash believe it or not, I like the people who are friendly, and of course my loving mods who never cease to stop the bans from coming. Loyal, Opinionated, Leader. White/Violet, My friends gave me the name "Zaku" I felt it was too boring and called myself "Zakulord" then I realized it didn't stick and changed to "LordZaku" the name says it all. I've seen all of the WoW commercials and love the Shatner one, though he isn't a good shaman...he's a space captain. For sure I'd do one of my own, but do it about a level one with my friends for laughs.
Where did Zaku get his name?
Do you turn on the water and then get in the shower, or get in the shower andt then turn on the water?
What's your favorite drink?
Why are you so nerdy? :3
Have your future goals changed at all?
What did you want to be when you were small?
Who's your favorite person on Ani-Pock?
Mechincal or real pencils?
When you eat a cinnamon bun, do you bite in, or unswirl it first?
Would you build your own computer if you could?
What's something really embarrassing that you've done before?
extra: It says that you're a she at the bottom, is this true?
Okay, okay. I fixed it, I fixed it.
Plan on vacationing this summer?
Have a favorite animal?
The what?
Who do you pick to be the next reveal contestant?
1) A mythical place called school, and a group of anime fans called friends. They can use magic when they're all geared up in epix. xD
2) Water first since I shower every morning, it helps so I'm not standing with no water flowing for 10 minutes.
3) Green Tea
4) I play videogames, blame them for my nerd-ness.
5) Not in the least, though it's getting tough, I'm turing out to be better at psychology than being a lawyer. ^ W^
6) I wanted to drive a truck. (Still do since it's an always changing job, and the money is good.)
7) I don't have one I'll list them all: Rena, Mochii, Meymey (of course!), Rin, Haihai-tama, Muddy, Asuka, Kira, TL, HULLO, and the rest of you know who you are.
8) Neither. I like pens. (without choice of neither is mechanical)
9) I LEEROY that bun
10) I do have plans for building my own, but it's going to cost a fortune that I don't have.
11) Broke my own window twice while reciting World of Warcraft moves before the glass shattered.
(If I was a "she" would all the tea parties be as fun as they are? ^.~)
1) Northrend/Azeroth/Outland (/has no cash to travel, but hoping a little time in Toronto and maybe a bit in Montreal)
2) Hawk and Panda
3) The Legend of The DRAGOON (but we all know what the real answer is..."The World is an Image of what we'd Like to see as our Forgotten Future." -LordZaku)
4) Haitoku
Chao said: If Zaku had his own army and they wore ship u. What would he do with tham? And if Zaku could make tham do some kind of evil theme for him self and have someone play a organ for him would he do so?
I would have them working to the best of their ability to keep this world a little more live-able, preventing conflicts, and pushing for the betterment of self, and the community. I wouldn't have an evil theme, I'd have a soft yet sorrowful violin solo.
Chao said: Sweet
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