Monday, June 29, 2009

Reveal the Ani-Pock Community: x123x

Thanks for all the questions from the last show!

Our next reveal contestant is: x123x!

Lets leave lots of questions for this original pocker :3

Here are the rules:

Every week a new contestant will be selected by the contestant from the prior week. Then everyone else can comment under the post any questions that they want to ask about that member, but please keep in mind to keep the questions decent, indecent questions will be deleted. If you are picked, you may choose the next contestant at the end of your week!
So lets go for it! Ask x123x questions!

Previous contestants: Beautycomplex, Xichliebetokiohotelx, Guntce, Appingo, Ogihci, Stan the Man, JesssicaXVI, Kemagenese, Mr.Mew, Kip, RoseBarks,PiscesDragon, Kami, IchigoStaRs, Sykora, Punkchickula, Synapse, Rikapure, Yoshi, Zslayrr.

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At June 30, 2009 at 4:19 AM, Anonymous Nighty said...

1) So um. Is your hair still all sexylike?
2) Are you suggesting that a coconut can migrate?
3) Do you know the muffin man?
4) What was your best dream ever?
5) What was the worst?
6) Wanna smell my finger? ;x

At June 30, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Blogger SadaKing said...

Can sada be next?
Do you use Bing?
Do you use Axe?
Do you like stan?
Do you like TV tropes wiki?
Do you have a wii?
Do you eat at buffets?
Can you lift me?
Who did you vote for in the AP election?
Are you afraid of cats or glory?

At July 2, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Anonymous lil said...

1. How are you?
2. Whatcha up to?
3. What have you been doing this summer?
4. Are you going to go on a vacation?
5. If so, where?
6. When does your school start?
7. Do you like your school?
8. What do you want for Christmas?
9. What do you want for your birthday?
10. When is your birthday?

At July 5, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Anonymous 123 said...

To night:
1. if you mean by long, the yes lol
2. why yes i am o:
3. no i dont D;
4. OMG, that pokemon dream!! :DDD
5. Dx I was skipping through a shiny medow while i was wearing a XXXLarge Yellow shirt and i was pantsless with the song "i'm walking on sunshine" DDDDx
6. sure o;

At July 5, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Anonymous 123 said...

To sada:
1. I camt say D;
2, Nope. Google is my BFF ;D
3. NOO Smells bad xD
4. idk who that is o__O
5. never gone to it D;
6. Yes i have one, but its broken DDD':
7. Eh, its rare if i do :l
8. if u weight less than 130lbs. then yes >.>
7. I dont think i voted D;
8. GLORY D':

At July 5, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Anonymous 123 said...

To Lil:
1. I am good :3
2. I am talking to my GF (as usual)
3. same as #2 lololol
4. I went to my cousins house and they have a pool O:
5. We might go to a beach with sandy hills and they have a dirt bike oo:
6. August something olol
7. Kinda, the only thing i don't like is the gang problems :/
8. I want another Wii >:U and i wanna see my GF A u A
9. A PS3 >:U
10. November 30 O:


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