Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Here's to another 4.7%!

Well... I guess we're not dead... yet. Today the Dow Jones Industrial Average regained 4.7% of the nearly 7 it lost yesterday, or 485 out of 777 points (isn't 777 lucky in gambling though?). Honestly this is an odd trend to find though, most of the world would have panicked, I would've thought, and sold all their stocks today, but thankfully things on Wall Street returned to a sense of normalcy today. I personally took the day off to recover from something going around, and followed the stocks right up to the closing bell. I have a feeling tomorrow's growth will not be as high, I think we will see at least a 100 or so point increase, but i could be wrong. Sadly until we can find a way to get more money to the banks so they'll approve more loans to lower/average wage citizens, we probably will not see 13,000 or 14,000 point figures for the DOW for years. So! lets get everyone in America to donate a small percentage of their salary to the banks through taxes over a couple of years! oh... what?... congress just turned down something like that? ****, well i have to run to my bank and withdraw all my money so I'll let you read more here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

This can't be good.

Learn More >>

omg, must have!

Friday, September 26, 2008

(From xbombr)

I know i've said i'd never make a goodbye post, but i feel i owe everyone an explaination.

I made a promise to myself a long time ago that if the community ever looked so horribly
upon me to that i'd feel the urge to quit moderating,i'd leave the site.
Before anyone says anything bad about me, realize this, i'm not running away.
I just feel no longer wanted/needed.
It came to my attention that few people,if any, want me to be a mod anymore.
I always thought the community wanted someone to keep their chats clean,
obviously i was wrong. I'd be a hypocrite to say that this is for the
community by the community if i was sitting in a dual mod position that no one wanted me in.
Its time for a change in anipock as well as myself.

Anipock, for me at least, is like a treehouse. You build it up with your friends.
You go there and hang out everyday after school.Nothing is stronger than the memories
you've gained in your treehouse with some of the best friends you'll ever have in your entire life.
After a while though, less and less people come. A few new ones show up but everyone starts changing.
Eventually the you feel that so much has changed you're not wanted and stop showing up.
You leave your treehouse for good and let the next group have it to enjoy, but the memories stay strong.
Anipock is the treehouse i've outgrown and am no longer accepted at...

I owe this place a debt of gratitude for giving me so many
good times and the love of my life.
Also i owe it to leave when i'm not wanted.

So farewell friends and foes alike...
*weak smile* thank you


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Elections: Who should win? (are we serious or joking? you decide!)

casino free polls


"If I haven’t gotten combat troops out of Iraq, passed universal health care and created a new energy policy that speaks to our dependence on foreign oil and deals seriously with global warming, then we’ve missed the boat. Those are three big jobs, so it’s going to require a lot of attention and imagination, and it’s going to require the American people feeling inspired enough that they’re prepared to take on these big challenges."


McCain's biggest goals are eliminating a decades-old tax break and allowing people to choose their healthcare plan according to their "stage in life."


Hello friend Who are you going to vote for in '08?
McCain? Obama? Well both are incredibly silly choices and you should be ashamed for picking them. Vote for Sada Sadasada this year.
Who is Sada Sadasada? After a successful run for President of http.ani-pock.net (whether they know it or not)
Sada decided to throw his hat into the presidential race...
where it was promptly trampled by Dennis Kucinich.
After the loss of his top hat shown below posing with Abraham Lincoln apparently)
Sada was motivated to shove his butt in Dennis Kucinich's big fat face by winning the presidential nomination!

After being shown the door at both the democratic, republican, and libertarian conventions (by Mike the security guard) Sada decided to run independently with his long time friend, Chester, a black bear cub and three time golden paw junior heavyweight champion.
Sada doesn't claim to be a Maverick (he doesn't know what that means)
And the only Change that Sada offer is 39 cents (he doesn't need to change his pants, as he does not wear any)
However Sada offers something that none of the other candidates do.
He just isn't quite sure what it is yet. It could be that 39 we were talking about earlier, or maybe even a free cat.
So remember, this year you have the option to REALLY make history. Don't vote for McCain or Obama, they eat chickens.
Vote Sada/Chester, because Sada likes chickens...Don't you?

~"I am Sada and I approve this...oooh shiny thing!"


Bobby will take over the world, and dole out sections of it to all the people who vote for him. He will abolish money, and reinstitute the barter system!!! Bobby will stop all taxes when he reinstitues the barter system. Bobby will stop pollution, creating a healthier, greener earth, more trees and grass, and such. Bobby will legalize marijuana, and shall stop all vicious rumors about chickens and their crossing of the roads!!!!


MrFoxy should win simply because...well look at me I'm so damn cute! I'm a fox, which is way better then a Sada, WTF is a sada anyways! Not to mention I promise you Free Health Care, I call this my FHC plan. I am a member of the Canius family, therefore I am destoned to be loyal!


This candidate was too distracted by the flashing lights and music of In The Groove 2 and Dance Dance Revolution, for us get any more out of him than the following:

"I'll make everyone play this game, so then I'll have people to play with"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

AMAZING Wario Land Footage!!

You really need to stick around till at least 15 seconds in. Just look around. Seriously. Click below, I promise you'll be amazed.

What $700 Billion could buy.

There's a lot of talk about the US government bailing out financial institutions at the cost of $700 billion. Here's a nice slide show of what else you can buy with that much money XD. Click below:

Monday, September 22, 2008

How big are we?

Not very... xD

Rubber Duckies to track Glacier movements!

This one is for you PC! ^^

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Apply to post on the blogs!

Apply in 3 easy steps: (leave all info in the comment of this post)
1. Name
2. Which blogs you'd like to post on
3. Why you'd be great at posting.

Reveal the Ani-Pock Community: KoiKoi

Thanks for the fun questions on the last episode!

Our contestant this week is KoiKoi!!

So how do you play?
Here is a recap of Rin's rules!:

Every week a member is selected from the Ani-Pock Memberlist and it will be posted who that member is, then everyone else can comment under the post any questions that they want to ask about that member, but please keep in mind to keep the questions decent, indecent questions will be deleted. If you are picked, you may choose the next contestant at the end of your week.
So lets get to it! Ask Koi questions!!

Previous contestants: Mudpelt, Kami, Lucy, PockyWarrior, Nippou, Kip, Hullo, Zeke, xBombr, Rena, Rin, Chikyuu, Mercesteys, Kiraneko, Rose, Meyume, Zaku, Haitoku, MangaBoy, Ichigo Stars, Punk Chick, THC, Rika, fullmetalwolf111, Kafei?, TenTen, Pocky, a Zebra!, zSlayrr.

Remember: A reminder to everyone, be sure to pick someone that is not on this list for the next reveal. At the end of the season we will refresh the list. No, you can not pick Kip again! XP

Suggestions for next AP Contest

Leave a suggestion in the comment area of this post! Prizes will remain as DealExtreme items. DX also carries anime figurines.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rin's First Flash Animation!

Click below to watch! Awesome job Rin!

Voice recorder contest

Contest time! Here's what we go:
+ Use the voice recorder to record ANYTHING (your cat, favorite music, tv clip, singing, rant)
+ Funniest top 3 wins DealExtreme.com prizes! (view)

Contest open 9/14-9/20 (Saturday)
You can send in as many entries as you'd like. Please put "C1" at the start of your recording title.

Update: The contest had no winners because of insufficient entries.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Arr! It be that time o' year again!

Aye! It's time for me obligatory post ta remind ye Pockers that today be Talk Like a Ninja-Pirate Day again 'pon the sea!

That be why I be postin' this tasteful pic to explain the importance of this day.

For the day, the ninjas enter a weakened state and be ripe for pillaging. Tis a glory among the pirate kind!
This day be not confused with December 5th, matey.

Be havin' a great Talk Like a Ninja-Pirate day!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Bwahaha the birthday list here has it wrong, you didn't do that on purpose did you? XP Either way Happy 18th Birthday Zaku!~ So for your birthday, I thought I would share some Zaku moments.

Of course it wouldn't be a birthday post without this:

And instead of cake, we're having Zaku cookies, freshly baked from the oven!

And this "Zaku Zaku Crush Ice Bar"

Also, we're including a bed set of these anime girls!

More Zaku moments: Singing to Inuyasha, ZNN, Being called a Pimp X3, three digit phone bills, "WORM" (coined by ICHI). Hahah yeah what wouldn't Zaku do? OH AND OF COURSE his long and UNFULFILLED tyranny on AP. We have yet to see the Zaku Army! "DoH!" (yay, it's a Kami-ism). Ah and the epic arguments, and SIPPING TEA! Either way enjoy your birthday and do try to have fun and stay out of trouble hmm? SET YER ALARM CLOCK, EH?

Campus Movie Fest: Stop, Thief! Vandal! Outrage! Scandal!

Another entry! This is shot in one of our large cafeteria's called "Crossroads". This cafateria serves 2,000 students! Theme: Aladin...

The Ninja Cat

I've had a cat in my room for the past 2 weeks. They really do have eyes this big! (This is not my cat)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Campus Movie Fest: The Five Second Rule

Campus Movie Fest recently rolled through UC Berkeley. Each team (125 in all) was given a MacBook Pro, software including Final Cut Pro and iMovie HD, camera, tripod and shotgun or close range microphone.

We had 1 week to go from concept to turn in. 5 minute maximum limit. Here's one of my favorites. I'll post the one my team made later!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Kip!

Outstanding contributor, podcast intro/outro mixer, forum evangelist... thank you for all you do on Ani-Pock!

Happy Birthday Norris... I mean KiP!
(Kami contributed to that) xD

And now... a quote about Chuck!

When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.

Day/Night Nav Bars fixed

Yes, they are finally fixed! What else would you like to see changed? Leave a comment.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Nip!

"What the heck is that?"
Well I got curious and wanted to know what a Nip could look like! And this is what Google Said. (I think it's supposed to be a cloth Cheese Nip...)

Anyways, Happy Birthday Nip! Here's another "Nip" for you.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Reveal the Ani-Pock Community: Zebra... er... Zslayrr!

Thanks for the fun questions on the last episode!

Our contestant this week is... Z... Z-Zebra!!
That's who it is! A zebra!

...I'm told the zebra doesn't want to answer questions at this time... So we'll kick it to:

So how do you play?
Here is a recap of Rin's rules!:

Every week a member is selected from the Ani-Pock Memberlist and it will be posted who that member is, then everyone else can comment under the post any questions that they want to ask about that member, but please keep in mind to keep the questions decent, indecent questions will be deleted. If you are picked, you may choose the next contestant at the end of your week.
So lets get to it! Ask zSlayrr questions!!

Previous contestants: Mudpelt, Kami, Lucy, PockyWarrior, Nippou, Kip, Hullo, Zeke, xBombr, Rena, Rin, Chikyuu, Mercesteys, Kiraneko, Rose, Meyume, Zaku, Haitoku, MangaBoy, Ichigo Stars, Punk Chick, THC, Rika, fullmetalwolf111, Kafei?, TenTen, Pocky.

Remember: A reminder to everyone, be sure to pick someone that is not on this list for the next reveal. At the end of the season we will refresh the list.

Happy Birthday Kafei!

Happy Birthday sis! Kafeichu is EVOLVING!

Kafeichu turned into _____ (Fill in the blank in the comments!)

Saving you the Blink

Click to reveal spoiler (of below post)

Because Zaku loves all of you (not) I decided to save you people the pressure of not blinking and found her hiding in the background on the first go through. Kip has a good eye, but my eye for a cute epically awesome amazing character is better.

Update from Kip: LAME!
Also if you watch the movie Mirrors, the young boy in the film has posters of Negima and Tsubasa. The Negima scroll is particularly inappropriate for a six year old to have in his room, but what do I know, I'm no parent.
Click to see the wall scrolls.

Do you see what I see?

Blink and you'll miss it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ani-Pock: Parallel Universes

This is awesome. Karl opened up Ani-Pock in the 'Web Browser', and every one after that. Click for bigger (opens in a new window)

Forums back online*

*We had a failure with the forum server. The last back up was restored manually from July. (This took a good deal of time today). Sorry there are no other ways of getting back recent posts.

Beware US Pirates!

From Anime News Network (don't ask me to paraphrase this):

The United States Senate Judiciary Committee has approved the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Act of 2008, which includes a section that would allow the Justice Department to bring civil lawsuits against intellectual property infringers on behalf of content owners. In the proposed law which now goes before the full Senate, any restitution imposed by the lawsuits would be given to the intellecutal property owners as compensation. After receiving complaints from consumer groups and privacy advocates, the committee did revise other sections in the bill to limit the use of information seized during an infringement investigation. The advocates noted that certain provisions allow for seizure of "property used, or intended to be used, in any manner or part to commit or facilitate" a copyright or trademark infringement" — which broadly interpreted, could apply to computers used for file-sharing video and audio content.

So yeah. Don't do those things that this US senate law says not to do...

Friday, September 12, 2008

~Happy Birthday Acorn!~

Acronell, a little birdie...that barked O_o'' told me it was your birthday today! So I looked into the AP Vault and found this picture of baby Acorn! Aww, so cute!

Also, some friends came by to celebrate with you:

Happy 20th! I hope you have a great day!

Oh here's your birthday cake: Mmm!~

Pocky Adds: As we don't have a single person in charge of making birthday posts, please help out by requesting access to post on the blogs! The birthday list can be used as a reference, but we need everyone's help to get birthday reminders out.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Just a little scared at first D:

I think I take back my dreams about us becoming anime/manga style in real life. XD

Otherwise, we know she's good with make-up and has a steady hand...?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

~Hadron Collider~

Hello everyone and today I thought I'd bring a little science to you. As you may or may not know the Hadron Collider, which is a particle accelerator, was fired off sucessfully yesterday in Switzerland. This 9 billion dollar project is meant to smash atoms together by shooting beams of particles (protons) down a tunnel located underground between the borders of France and Switzerland, to simulate the conditions of the Big Bang, a millionith of a second after it started, which was the catalyst for the creation of this universe. Now, for the skeptics, this is a scary concept, they feel we're playing with stuff out of mankind's hands and theorize that by firing off this canon, we will evidently create a black hole right here on our planet, thus destroying ourselves. Although, for the scientists this is a huge achievement, and they do not seem concerned by black holes.

The potential hopes of this project is this:

"They say the experiment has the potential to confirm theories that physicists have been working on for decades including the possible existence of extra dimensions. They also hope to find a theoretical particle called the Higgs boson -- sometimes referred to as the "God particle," which has never been detected, but would help explain why matter has mass."

-CNN.com Elizabeth Landau

And that is science for today from me. For those who are are interested in science, especially physics, I hope this was enjoyable, for others who find it boring, just don't mind it then. ^^
If you want to read more about the Hadron Collider, google it or read the article I got the information of here: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/09/10/lhc.collider/index.html

Monday, September 8, 2008

Take THAT "I'm a MAC..."!

Bill Gates and comedian Jerry Seinfeld team up to... to... Umm...
What's going on?

This ad, that premiered Thursday, on NBC during NFL's Kick Off Game was met largely with confusion by ad critics and many on the blog sites.
I watched it 3 times so far to see if I missed anything... hidden...
I still don't know what's going on... and it seemed like something one would usually see while watching an episode of Seinfeld.

Brad Brooks, vice-president of Windows consumer product marketing, said in a video posted on the Windows press Web site, that the ad is a "teaser" meant to "engage customers in a conversation . . . to get the conversation going again about what Windows means in people's everyday lives."

Sunday, September 7, 2008

~*~*~*AP'S FIRST DADDEH*~*~*~

Homg! This is Rin, and I have BIG NEWS~ One of our fellow Ani-Pockers Acronell "Acorn", or otherwise known to the oldies as: "Phantom-Lover, Phantom, TheLastDreamer" is going to be a DAD! Our first Dad! *wipes corner of her eyes with a tissue* The mother is Acorn's girlfriend, Amber. Their child is due on March 23, 2009. So let's wish them a healthy baby! We don't know the sex yet, but Acorn's hoping for a girl.

Message from the father: "That I am happy, and that I will be moving to New york at the end of october as to take better care of the baby"

Here are pictures of Acorn and Amber:
PS: Good Luck you two! :3 Best of Wishes! And Keep Us Posted!~~

Reveal the Ani-Pock Community: Pocky

Thanks for the fun questions on the last episode!

Our contestant this week is: Pocky!!
About darned time!

So how do you play?
Here is a recap of Rin's rules!:

Every week a member is selected from the Ani-Pock Memberlist and it will be posted who that member is, then everyone else can comment under the post any questions that they want to ask about that member, but please keep in mind to keep the questions decent, indecent questions will be deleted. If you are picked, you may choose the next contestant at the end of your week.
So lets get to it! Ask Pocky questions!!

Previous contestants: Mudpelt, Kami, Lucy, PockyWarrior, Nippou, Kip, Hullo, Zeke, xBombr, Rena, Rin, Chikyuu, Mercesteys, Kiraneko, Rose, Meyume, Zaku, Haitoku, MangaBoy, Ichigo Stars, Punk Chick, THC, Rika, fullmetalwolf111, Kafei?, TenTen.

Note: A reminder to everyone, be sure to pick someone that is not on this list for the next reveal. At the end of the season we will refresh the list.

Ani-Pock Podcast Episode 25

Ep 025: "PodCat"

PROBLEMS? Just download the file directly: Episode 25.MP3
Today's topics: Intro to TianMei, Paf Won, Cats, The more midgety you are, the longer you'll live, Furbies.

Hosts: Pocky, TianMei, Chikyuu
Intro/Outro by Kip

Listen to all the previous shows in the archive.

Friday, September 5, 2008

What decade do the high-strung listeners of NPR pick for the best in music?

When National Public Radio listeners were asked to pick their favorite year in music... most skipped a large chunk of the eighties.

Though the margin between the decades is not that significant, the sixties definitely got a bulk of the votes! In fact, it actually appears that since the results of the poll was announced, faithful hair band junkies have been pumping up the eighties now!

I myself am an NPR listener and a detester of the eighties. Possible relation?

The quiz is still open if you would like to vote.

More here. Scroll down the page a little to listen to other songs of the eighties including possibly one of the worst songs of the decade, Don Jonson's "Heartbeat".

Pictured: Frankie Goes to Hollywood, baby!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dudeska! It's September!

I love September.

I also love member quotes!

Won't you leave one?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Chrome! Oh, the possibilities!

Google Chrome passes the Ani-Pock test! 

Ani-Pock is the first website I use to Christen any new browser since I ditched AOL! ;D
So? What's different?
Google made it!

You've got the basic tabbed browsing, auto complete/suggested addresses in the site bar, webpage "speed dial", all pretty standard or emerging things on web browsers today.

But now Google has taken what these browsers do best and moved everything to a lightweight program where every tab runs on an independent memory so they don't clog up the same memory pipe of the browser.
In addition, the browser is intended to be very application friendly! The design itself is very sleek and, well, chromey. I like this one a lot. In fact, I don't even like my FireFox layout and appearance so much, I changed the buttons to resemble the Internet Explorer counterparts.

Some of the best features include complete tab deletion. No more will fragments of a tab or tabbed website be caught in the browser's memory. Now, when you close that tab, it is gone for good.
My favorite function is the browser's process explorer. How many times do you use your own Process Explorer (AKA: Ctrl+Alt+Del) in a day PC folks?
Now you can check which tab is draining the most memory from your browser and... well... do with it what you wish.
For these reasons and more, you should download Google Chrome (Beta)!

Now when can I expect my Google OS!?!

Update: The one downside I've seen thusfar:

This is a shot from my process explorer. I've only got six tabs open but NINE processes of GC? I thought we got away from this stuff after tabbed browsing!
At least it is still a fast browser, definately less lagging... so that's a positive.

Also, the homepage button is enableable dispite what people have thought. Strangely, it was set to Yahoo! when first opened.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ever read the Twilight series??

well we found a spoof of the trailer for a movie ( by we I mean lil and lex* and I) but first here is the acual trailer

and now...the spoof

*lex is beautycomplex

Happy Birthday Teenlink!

There comes a time in every Teenlink's life that they grow up and become...

An Adultlink!

Then they can go out and do stuff like this:

And this (with a little added imagination):

And go out and find a job and become AssistantManagerlink!

Happy birthday TL! Hope you have lots of fun!


~Drawn by Rika~

Let the parade of piggies commence! As some of you know awhile back, ie...last month, we started putting together this surprise for Kami and Ogi. It was originally Chao's idea to draw piggies for Kami, to show him our appreciation of his hard work, and also to draw piggies for Ogi, because Chao always calls her Pgi!. Either way, we got submissions, so enjoy the piggies. Thankyou Kami for all your hard work being a mod, being here to help keep this site a friendly place to come, and also for trying to keep our AP community together. Also to Ogi, you're so adorable. ^^

Link to come soon of the rest of the piggies!~

PS: If you still want to submit piggies, send them to rin@ani-pock.net
and I will upload them to the gallery.


Lots more cool stuff here!! Continue browsing...

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